Case Study Info

  • Clients Martin Calep
  • Category Copper
  • Date May 26, 2021
  • Location Saint Petersburg

Collecting Automotive Waste:


1. Tires: Collecting used tires from auto repair shops, tire retailers, and waste management facilities.

2. Wheels: Gathering discarded wheels from automotive scrapyards and manufacturing plants.

3. Motor Scrap: Acquiring scrap motor parts from auto repair shops, dealerships, and salvage yards.


Recycling Automotive Waste:


4. Sorting: Categorizing the collected waste into specific types, such as tires, wheels, and motor scrap.

5. Shredding: Shredding tires to break them down into smaller rubber pieces for further processing.

6. Steel Separation: Separating metal components, such as steel rims and motor parts, from wheels and motor scrap.

7. Metal Recycling: Using metal recycling techniques to extract valuable metals like steel and aluminum from the separated components.

8. Rubber Recycling: Processing shredded tires to produce rubber granules for various applications.

9. Plastic Recycling: Recycling plastic components, such as motor casings and vehicle parts, through plastic recycling methods.

10. Reselling: Selling the recovered materials, including metal, rubber, and plastic, to industries for repurposing and manufacturing new products.

11. International Distribution: Exporting the recycled materials to buyers and customers worldwide.


ALAMAK’s Approach:


12. Sustainability: Following environmentally friendly practices to minimize waste and promote a circular economy.

13. Compliance: Adhering to relevant regulations and standards in waste management and recycling.

14. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality and purity of the recycled materials through rigorous testing and inspection.

15. Continuous Improvement: Regularly updating recycling processes and technologies to enhance efficiency and maximize resource recovery.


Origin: Russia

Quantity: 100,000 metric tons


ALAMAK’s commitment to recycling Automotive Waste contributes to reducing environmental impact, conserving resources, and supporting a sustainable future.