Newspapers and magazines

Case Study Info

  • Clients Mike Alexandrovich
  • Category Paper Scrap
  • Date May 26, 2021
  • Location Ufa city

Newsprint Scrap Description:

– Type of Scrap: Newsprint scrap is a recycled paper material obtained from discarded newspapers and other printed publications.

– Source: The newsprint scrap is collected from various sources such as recycling centers, printing houses, and waste paper suppliers.

– Sorting and Processing: The collected newsprint scrap undergoes a thorough sorting process to remove any non-paper materials like plastic inserts, staples, and other contaminants.

– Quality and Purity: Alamak ensures that the newsprint scrap is of high quality and free from excessive ink, dirt, or moisture. It meets the industry standards for recycling.

– Size and Thickness: The newsprint scrap is typically available in standard sizes of newspaper sheets, which are commonly around 22 inches by 28 inches. The thickness may vary depending on the source and age of the paper.

– Weight and Quantity: Alamak supplies newsprint scrap in various quantities to meet customer requirements. The weight of the scrap is measured in metric tons (MT) or kilograms (kg).

– Packaging: The newsprint scrap is packed in bales or bundles for ease of handling and transportation. The bales are secured with straps or wires to ensure stability during shipment.

– Application: Newsprint scrap is widely used in the paper recycling industry as a raw material for manufacturing new paper products. It is commonly used for producing packaging materials, corrugated cardboard, and other paper-based products.

– Environmental Benefits: Recycling newsprint scrap helps conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize landfill waste. It supports sustainable practices and promotes a circular economy.

– Market Demand: The demand for newsprint scrap is significant in the paper industry, especially in the production of packaging materials and newspaper printing. It is a valuable commodity sought after by paper mills and manufacturers worldwide.

– Specifications: The newsprint scrap supplied by Alamak meets the following specifications:

   – Brightness: Typically ranges from 50% to 70%, depending on the source and age of the paper.

   – Ink Content: Low ink content to ensure suitability for recycling processes.

   – Moisture Content: Moisture content is controlled to maintain the integrity of the paper and prevent deterioration.

   – Freedom from Contaminants: The newsprint scrap is carefully processed to remove any non-paper materials and contaminants.

   – Sustainability Certification: Alamak ensures that the newsprint scrap is sourced and processed in compliance with environmental regulations and sustainability standards.

Please note that the specifications may vary depending on the specific requirements and availability of newsprint scrap at the time of supply.